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Blueprint Summit Draft_V3 For Staff Review

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The current UBMP includes a section on Reestablishing Lot Lines - resubdividing lots that previously went through a Lot Line Vacation prior to 2000 that don't have a restrictive covenant. I think Summit went to court for a case that had an issue which is why it's in the Master Plan. Suggest keeping or revising the Policy we have?
Suggested Revision
or from the Joint Upper Blue TDR Bank.
Although previously the County was considering giving the Senior a portion of the County Commons land for Senior Housing, at this time the County has shifted to providing a parcel of land to the Seniors at Lake Hill. There are too many uncertainties regarding what future uses we will need at County Commons to provide a Senior facility there at this time.
The county is currently working with Staying in Summit to provide that group with a parcel at Lake Hill so I am not sure if want to say provide these facilities near the Senior Center when that is not our currently plan.
Suggested Revision
Not sure what this is trying to say. Maybe change from "ensure" to "encourage" or "require".
Suggested Revision
We already do this. Change to "continue"
Suggested Revision
We have already implemented fee waivers and expedited permitting for workforce housing projects.
Suggested Revision
We already monitor the number and location of ADU's and deed restricted units so lets change this to "Continue monitoring...."
Suggested Revision
Remove 'a steady'. Just say 'the demand for'.
I suggest this because the words 'a steady' seems to add weight to the STR half of the sentence.
in reply to Brandon's comment
Yes, I agree with this suggestion
in reply to Lina Lesmes's comment
Suggested Revision
Sorry, I put this comment in the wrong section, this is mean to go under the 'relevant plans' section.
Suggested Revision
Remove the word 'the' before Prop 123
ADD: The 2021 Summit County Housing Plan is being revised, with an updated Plan intended to be drafted in 2025.
Why isn't there anything around transportation in this section? Frisco is also working on micro transit, and the County owns the Frisco Transit Center, which is an important hub.
Suggested Revision
Add a higher density LUD for the Lake Hill Neighborhood
Suggested Revision
Support the Town of Frisco in the effort to improve I70 Exit 203.
Suggested Revision
Frisco Sanitation District. Include word 'district'.
in reply to Lina Lesmes's comment
Sorry, I meant to comment on 3.8.
Technical Edit
This is the same as 2.7. This is in here twice.
Suggested Revision
Ensure land use designation for Lake Hill is shown as High Density Residential. Allow for future workforce housing at the County Commons.
Suggested Revision
Sustain the partnership with the Town of Breckenridge for the development of workforce housing.
Ensure the Wayside Lodge LUD is Higher Density and Mixed Use Neighborhoods, although the plan is to annex it to the TOB
Suggested Revision
Support the Town's efforts regarding the needed improvements to I70 Exit 205 and the Highway 9 corridor?
Suggested Revision
Seek partnerships with the Town of Dillon, the Dillon Valley District, and other agencies in the area to construct workforce housing.
Suggested Revision
Workforce housing may be developed on County owned property near the WWT plant in Summit Cove. Please consider land use designation that allows that for that property.
Suggested Revision
The USFS admin site is correctly labeled public lands, but should it be higher density and mixed use since that's its highest and best use?
Suggested Revision
The DNR Kennel property should not be labeled Open Space as a future land use designation. This property will have housing. I suggest at least the Neighborhoods land use designation. This is also true of the parcel at the entrance to Tiger Run, which is owned by the County and we might locate housing there as well.
Suggested Revision
The Alpensee Parcels should not be mixed use but Higher Density and Mixed Use Neighborhoods or the Neighborhoods land use designation
Suggested Revision
Lake Hill should have a Higher Density and Mixed Use Neighborhoods Land Use Designation, not community Facilities. Same for the County Commons where there are areas where workforce housing can be accommodated.
I am not sure how the County could work with utility providers to prioritize workforce housing. Each utility provider has its own rules and regulations. Typically, so long as they have the ability to serve the unit they will serve the unit whether it is workforce or market rate.
The County currently offers the following incentives to anyone looking to build an ADU, whether it is a small or large development. -Development fee waivers for any unit that is deed restricted.
Eligible for the ADU Asssitance Program which provides grants up to 25% of the cost of construction to build an ADU.
The County has also already implemented expedited permitting for all workforce housing projects by allowing Site Plans to be approved through an Administrative Approval rather than going to Planning Commission. Planning, can you clarify if this Site Plan Admin approval was also approved for mixed projects where a portion of the project is workforce housing?
I would like to see this be broader.
Maybe: "Collaborate with municipalities, the USFS, the School District and private property owners to acquire additional land through purchases, land trades, or ground leases"
Can we reword this policy to:
"Continue to market the ADU stock plans and ADU Assistance Program to homeowners to encourage them to build ADU on their property." The County is not building ADU's on private property.
Is it worth discussing here that that County has implemented Short Term Rental regulations and Housing staff believes these regulations are starting to have an impact. While it is difficult to directly correlate the STR regulations to home prices, there has been a recent flattening of home prices in the County and even some slight decreases. High interest rates are also likely a contributing factor to this.