Cortez Land Use Code Chapter 5 - Site Development Standards (Public Review Draft)
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Learn more about the update on the City's website here>>
Purpose: Establish specific design standards for all developments to adhere to with regards to parking, lighting, landscaping, fencing, natural resource protections, and signage.
What Changed:
- Relaxed the minimum off-street parking space requirements
- Added an allowance for an alternative parking study to justify a proposed reduction in parking
- Added shared parking standards for flexibility in achieving the minimum parking requirements
- Clarified vision clearance distance for access and driveways
- Increased required sidewalk width in most districts from 4’ to 5’ with additional provisions to accommodate existing, nonconforming conditions
- Increased allowance of fencing for commercial uses to 8’ to match residential uses
- Updated landscape standards from a blanket 10% of the site required to be landscaped to requirements tailored to the specific use
- Incorporated new landscape buffer standards to mitigate impacts of more intense uses on adjacent less intense uses
- Added new natural resource protection standards which require a minimal buffer from public lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands
- Added new lighting standards that establish a baseline for all exterior lighting in the City with the intent of moving the City toward dark sky compliance without strictly specifying compliance
- Added electronic messaging sign standards and updated billboard standards to prohibit new billboards
What remains the same:
- Maintained the basic concept and computation of parking requirements
- Maintained the majority of the existing fence and wall standards with minor clarification and simplification of language
- Maintained applicability and landscape plan requirements within the landscape section
- Maintained most of the existing sign standards with minimal updates for clarification