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Navajo County Comprehensive Plan - 60-Day Draft

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Correction: Papermill Windfarm
How is this figure calculated? Where would the 908000 metric tons of carbon originate? Source?
Revenues that benefit whom? How is the electricity being sold for? where is it going?
These commercial and industrial developments should serve the people in the county first and foremost. The massive wind turbines being built and proposed will only offer temporary employment opportunities with few, if any benefits in the long run. Research shows the potential for much environmental harm and adverse health. Question: Is this goal contrary to what is being implemented?
Thank you for recognizing the intrinsic value of species...human value also.
Global factors should not be a concern. We have federal, state, and county governments who work for We The People. Globalist agendas defer much energy and tax dollars without equity between countries. Follow the money trails. Why should global issues take priority?
This goes right along with the top goal...we love the small population and peaceful atmosphere
Of course this is number 1! it's why we moved here to retire...natural open spaces. Love this!
That is 0.1 % of the county population. And how diverse was it?
If the goal is truly and honestly to be a community led roadmap ofa future action plan, I'm afraid you have fallen way short of your intended purpose. How can this be solved? More community meetings and extended opportunities to impact the plan and upcoming approval process? More responsive to individual concerns about the harmful affects of wind turbines?

My husband and I vehemently oppose the proposed Lava Run project. There are far too many negatives to list. Please do your resesarch and consider those in detail placing at least equal weight on them when deciding on this project. Our community is at stake and it is your responsibility to protect it.
I love my County. I very much like my Supervisors. I am very very happy with Darryl Seymour helping the non incorporated communities in his District where I live. I do not, however, believe that breaking laws and codes for the purpose of just 4% energy production and only 10 jobs was a good decision the property owners, the developers of these monstrosities or by our Supervisors. Additionally, WE NEED JOBS FOR AMERICANS and being a small business owner, I very much believe we should be working with AMERICAN COMPANIES and absolutely no company from Canada who does not have a problem working with the CCP or our enemies. Tread very carefully. We are NOT a New World Order community.
Lack of Commercial growth
Obstacle: Large cattle ranchers that put up monstrous 600’ monstrosities that cause harm to ecosystem and human health and take away our views will be enormous obstacles.
Obstacle: 600’ Wind Turbines- 66,000 acres of them will be enormous obstacles for those who come here for our views and the views of the bird watchers.
Obstacle: bats will find them to be a very big obstacle to run into. Birds will as well. Not a good suggestion for energy especially non biodegradable.
Higher paying jobs,
Commerce that replaces the jobs that the power plants once employed.
Other: County Supervisors and Planning Dept. that cares about the health and wellbeing and concerns of its own people.
Rural and Open Space
Scenic and forested environment
People Communities and families
This is a racist question. Prefer not to answer.
60+. But I can out walk a 30 year old…until you stick wind turbines near me and cause me to develop Neuro disorders. You are not appreciated for that. Thank you. (TALK TO OUR NEW D of HHS RFKJr. He has much material on this science.

Unincorporated area
2 1/2 years
You better draft in a plan of action to fundraiser for the lawsuits that will come from personal injury of those flying blades and the neurological damage the turbines have caused. You are already killing the whales with these things, the birds and the fowl of the air, which kills off the eagles. The people living near to any of these turbines will then begin to experience the neurological problems. The NOISE is another HUGE factor we have not even begun to address. What will you do with the NOISE?????
10 TEN NEW JOBS? That is what you are calling “New Employment Opportunities?
in reply to Nina's comment
This County is going to have to increase their budget for Community Healthcare drastically because you will see a rise is Neurological Diseases and it will then be a lawsuit against the County, the Citizens will be paying. This company is not even American based! So how are we going to afford lawyers to sue a company in 10 years when the symptoms arise for all the healthcare and care takers for those affected with the diseases that come from this?
This document does not “Change zoning codes”, as you’ve stated here. Yet YOU have BROKEN zoning codes. 600’ albatrosses ARE breaking zoning codes. If you are on private property and those wind turbines can be seen by others, why are you not concerned about getting sued? Do you just assume you are safe because the County has winked an eye and said go ahead? Break it? We do not do anything legally around here anyway? Why have you not deposited or bonded money to the people, in advance, for their legal fees to fight for cleanup when you split after construction? And leave US with cleanup?
in reply to Nina Triolo's comment
Suggested Revision
Amazing idea I find a less than 1% involvement rate offensive and poor investment. 5% would be a good goal. Get the community involved to make it happen. I provided some great ideas to the consulting firm and did not receive a response.
in reply to Nina Triolo's comment
Suggested Revision
Yeah so how does the county hood that value differently than the AZ Corp Commission? Please expound
I understand private businesses can do what they want on their land, but they damage the soil for six miles on a 300’ & much further for a 600’ wind turbine with the filaments that fly off as they degrade.

Are we going to protect the people living at least 6 miles near these planned boondoggles.

Personally, I believe we ought to be demanding modern thorium or uranium reactors and not bothering making money for Chinese manufacturers of wind and solar parts through their Canadian or Spanish front on behalf of a European Hedgefund.

We can mine coal and uranium in AZ, that’s energy stability, not the intermittent energy promised by Repsol or BluEarth Renewables that won’t even benefit us locally.

And on Solar farms!! Recently, it was explained under FOIA that the cleanup and removal of solar farms is classified by the DOD. Which leads me to believe the rare earth minerals in the panels eventually leach into the soil.

No thank you!

Preserve AZ skies for our wildlife and our souls and deny any public financing or rules breaking for wind turbine or solar farms.

There is absolutely no excuse for the breaking of our laws and our planning zones or our codes that were established, and then approved, by the citizens that have been paying taxes for years. In some circumstances. these families have been paying taxes for centuries.

When I watched one of our very precious neighbor’s hobbling to the board of supervisor’s microphone to plead with her supervisors to protect her health and the health of others and wildlife around her, my heart broke. The reason that she was hobbling is because of the windmills that they erected near her farm in 2012.

That was the first and the last image that I ever needed to understand that there are mysterious disease side affects that have not been addressed by the Board, nor by the “Science” that they claim to be equipped with to move forward with WIND TURBINE ENERGY. There are questions that have never been answered by the “science” behind this Green New Energy Deal that the Navajo County BOS claims to be committed to, without cause, except to be in receipt of Federal Government and World Economic Forum’s grants.

There is a deadline tonight for public comment. Unfortunately, running 3 businesses, I do not have the time to list them all tonight.

However, as Precinct committeemen of the NCRC Mogollon Precint , I feel that it is my duty to step up and speak up on behalf of all residents that I have heard from in Heber Overgaard. Out of the hundreds that I’ve spoken to, only 1 person out of the over 100 that I represent favors this project. There are .8% in favor. There are 99.2% against.

With this in mind, I request that all the Wind Turbine Projects that are in motion as of this date, be put on hold and we write this item up for a vote that the citizens of Navajo County can vote on in a true election.

I am requesting that as of January 20, when our new legislators, our sworn into office, that they write up an initiative that can be voted on by all the citizens of Navajo county. If that does not suffice, then I request that we be given time to write up the Initiative on our own and present it for vote on our next election cycle before any further damages are done to our land, our wildlife, our health, our horizons and our tourism.

Find a way to put a hold on the federal dollars that’s are already in the pocket that seem to be more precious to you than human life. These turbines produce approximately 4% of the energy that power plants produced. I’m certain that SOMEBODY that made the decisions to allow them to shut down were illustrious enough to have the creativity to hold the funds from Biden’s “Green New Deal” Incentives that you cherish so very much. I’ve seen incredible talent in our County and I trust that we can do this for 99.2% of the residents … that are actually informed and care about the health and well being of their neighbors.

Thank you.

I do see a great deal of effort in this draft of county plans. the implementing will be the challenge. The promotion and approval of renewable energy has many environmental costs that will continue long after the companies have returned to Canada, Spain, and ??? The funding the county will receive would be pennies on the acre and minimally benefit our school children. By the attendance at the required community meetings, the concerns and arguments of we the people were ignored for BluEarth's agenda. How degrading for the people of our fine county.
Preserving rural lifestyle
neglecting forest health
limited funding
Affordable housing
More healthcare providers (primary care and specialists)
Roadway infrastructure
More employment opportunities
Cleaner environment
Lower cost of living
Public safety
Strong water supplies
Future planning
Rural and open atmosphere
Less populated, peaceful, and quiet
Scenic and Forested environment
Over 60
I was out of state, 5 to 10 years
Outdoor school education was an excellent program that has been eliminated in many states. Children learn leadership, problem solving skills, project based science, and develop an appreciation for the environment.
Currently, our local highways are scenic...but that is changing with industrial gigantic turbines. being able to see through them is NOT an adaptation for the visual effects, only zoning.
Perfect for retired Forest Service or high school students needing to acquire volunteer hours for college.
I believe the CERT program was involved with giving presentations.
Yes. I appreciate the road signs and media postings about the burns. Involving the communities affected would be helpful.
People in need, like seniors that are not physically capable, should have been first in line for this service. Instead, it went to a group in an exclusive neighborhood, one person with their house for sale had the lot cleared next to them to enhance the sale. Then the grant was depleted. Funny, the beautiful sign exalting the tax payer paid work is no longer there. Please explain the process for applying for these improvements and how previous ones were allocated in a fair and equitable manner. ???
Good idea. Present at Chamber of Commerce Meetings with potential investors
Correction: Not Sawmill....Papermill Wind Farm
It seems like every new rv park is approved for Heber Overgaard, while some of these are valuable. I get concerned with the number of them; they are high density and as they age, they become difficult to maintain.

I would agree that Navajo county has an opportunity to have more commercial development along I 40, which carries a lot of traffic alredy.
So why would commercial be in rural residential areas? to preserve the character of rural areas, commercial should be compatible if allowed at all
The county should ensure that the current issues with frontier and frequent outages to emergency phone systems are addressed or even better move away from frontier to a newer satellite technology; which has shown to be far more reliable. Broadband access has changed dramatically with the availability of high speed satellite systems