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Why would mailed notice requirements to individual landowners be exempted? More information to individual landowners should be preferred rather than favoring developers.
Suggested Revision
suggest "per principal housing unit," It is too vague as currently worded.
Suggested Revision
include omitted access easements
Suggested Revision
In addition to the listing in the local newspaper, the notice of intent should be sent via certified mail to adjacent property owners and any landowner holding easements relating to the land to be subdivided. In the past, the County Engineer has informally advised applicants to speak with neighbors but his verbal and written recommendations have been ignored by applicants. This could avoid delays, appeals, and extensive disputes later in the process.
I am glad to see a budding interest in controlling light pollution. I would like the statement of purpose to include protecting wildlife from the disorienting impacts of outdoor lighting. Many of the worst offenders, in terms of bothering neighbors, are in our communities. Lighting was one of the major issues in the controversy over the new temple, and the community, and their concerns, were steamrollered because of not having any "dark skies" ordinances in place.
I'm not sure if this is in the purview of this planning document, but it seems to me like an effort needs to be made towards identifying areas of the county that the public would deem acceptable for utility scale wind or solar development, and areas that would generate major public opposition. We've seen controversies of this sort recently, and they have caused strife in our communities. At the very least, Park County land that has commercial windfarm potential should be identified. That would get us out ahead of any surprises.
Suggested Revision
This is the type of wording that should also be applied to the case of net-metered solar systems.
A distinction needs to be made throughout this document separating net-metered solar and wind private electricity generation from commercial (for profit) or industrial uses. Changes to the State net-meter rules are afoot that will eventually allow broader net-metered generation, opening opportunities for communities to create their own small scale solar arrays to power municipal buildings, schools, and the like. In the horizon of this document, the need and opportunity for on-site electric generation (solar and wind) as well as private battery storage systems, will only increase, so I suggest that these distinctions be defined & included from the get-go.
Suggested Revision
need to make a distinction in permitting requirements between residential or agricultural solar and industrial scale.
Technical Edit
that there ARE any rights----just a grammar correction
what about folks who collect antique farm equipment in their yard?
Suggested Revision
Not clear what a "solar energy facility" is. Addressing WEFs , a distinction is made between industrial and homeowner use. This should also be made clear with solar installations. Rooftop solar for property owner use is one thing, a community owned solar array is another thing, and a commercial or industrial scale installation is another. Wyoming statue makes these distinctions clear with net meter rules that are moving towards accomodating municipal arrays.
Suggested Revision
I don't know what a "nude model studio" is. Would this preclude an establishment such as the Cody Country Art League, or NWC, or The Polar Plant from offering a life drawing class (where art student draw from a live nude model) to the community?
Technical Edit
Strike "thoroughfare" and replace with "road." Strike "building" and replace with "lot."
Technical Edit
strike "street" and replace with "road." Street isn't a defined term.
Technical Edit
Consider rephrasing the description of a road to:

Road: Any vehicle route, improved or unimproved, that is: (1) an existing federal, state, county, or vehicular route of public record; or (2) shown upon a plat approved and recorded in the land records of the Clerk’s office; or (3) an access easement, or right-of-way, shown upon a survey or plat recorded in the land records of the Clerk’s office; or (4) is approved by other official action by the Board of County Commissioners.

Such rephrasing clarifies each sub-definition as separate and unique. It adds federal roads. It lastly adds and includes vehicular rights-of-way, in addition to easements, as ‘roads.’
adjacent property owners should be notified in writing that a variance has been requested and the projected "known" impacts to their property to protect the property rights of the adjacent property owners and provide them time to ask for relief.
Suggested Revision
add the for a complete sentence
Suggested Revision
continued improper use of notice should be corrected
Suggested Revision
shall provide notice of a public hearing
poorly written and should include an expected cost or at least specify the costs, cost to print the public notice of public hearings, court proceedings etc. Also the description of resident needs to be clarified. Is a resident someone who is here for a few weeks to vote and then doesn't return to the state until the same time next year?
Suggested Revision
For GR-Meeteetse: Commercial Uses and Industrial Uses should be more line with GR-Powell. When zoning is undertaken, there should be a Meeteetse Local designation where the "E" designation would also be applicable.
Technical Edit
Should say Packing/outfitting
Technical Edit
This should be "e." and the paragraphs that follow will need to be corrected accordingly.
I would add HVAC, should it be added?
See a previous comment, this is mechanical energy being converted into electrical energy. Do you need this or can it be combined into the previous section?
is photovoltaic not considered electric generation? Only mechanical?
Suggested Revision
Since Lodging Taxes are collected on 'Short-term' rentals of less than 30 days, anything over that is considered 'Long-term' and no taxes are collected. If you wish to 'redefine' Long-term rentals as six (6) months or more, what term will you be using for the month to month or 3 month or 4 month lengths of term? This is not consistent use of either term. State use considers 'Short-term' less than 30 days.
Suggested Revision
Since Lodging Taxes are collected on 'Short-term' rentals of less than 30 days, anything over that is considered 'Long-term' and no taxes are collected. If you wish to 'redefine' Long-term rentals as six (6) months or more, what term will you be using for the month to month or 3 month or 4 month lengths of term?