Cortez Land Use Code Chapter 1 - General Provisions (Public Review Draft)
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Learn more about the update on the City's website here>>
Purpose: Describes the purpose of the LUC, how non-conforming properties are treated, and how Code violations are handled.
What Changed:
- Added a new title and effective date section and simplified severability language
- Developed a new optional opt-in process to track legal nonconforming properties
- Revised definition of abandoned nonconforming use as being vacant for 12 months (6 months per current Code)
- Nonconforming structure provisions updated per the following:
- Allow property owners to enlarge nonconforming structures as long as they don’t exceed dimensional standards for the zone district
- Changed partial destruction definition from relating to fire and natural causes to any cause
- Changed partial destruction parameters to relate to square footage of structure rather than assessed value
- Nonconforming signs decommissioning requirement has changed from January 1, 1989 to within 3 years of the effective date of this Code
- Developed new options to remedy violations that include civil options that can be tailored to the violation
- Vested Property Rights now become automatic with final approvals
What remains the same:
- Purpose statement, and enactment and repeals sections
- General authority and jurisdiction of the document
- Relationship to other plans, resolutions, and ordinances
- Definition of how to determine nonconforming status