Cortez Land Use Code Chapter 6 - Administration and Procedures (Public Review Draft)
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Purpose: This chapter incorporates the roles and responsibilities of review and decision-making authorities, describes common application submittal and review procedures, and specific submittal and review criteria applicable to each development application type.
What Changed:
- Reorganized language into 4 distinct sections to combine redundant language from applications into a single section and preserving each application section for specific submittal requirements and review criteria
- Added a section to describe the roles and responsibilities of review and decision-making authorities as related to implementation and enforcement of the Land Use Code
- Added a new application procedure table to identify when a pre-application conference is required and who is the review, decision making, and appeal authority for each application type
- Combined all public notice requirements into a single section
- Separated procedures for Rezone and Land Use Code text amendment which are combined in current regulations
- Updated site plan application requirements to clarify which are administratively approved and which are approved by City Council
- Updated review and decision-making authority for subdivisions so that preliminary plats are reviewed by staff and Planning Commission and decided by City Council and final plats are decided administratively
What remains the same:
- The overall intent and list of development applications have remained the same as the current Code
- Many of the procedures and final review and decision-making authorities remain the same for applications in the current Code