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Together Jeffco 2045 Comprehensive Plan, Working Document

Together Jeffco 2045 Comprehensive Plan, Working Document

Review progress on the Working Document of the Comprehensive Plan!

Below is the first working version of the Together Jeffco 2045 Comprehensive Plan (the “Comprehensive Plan”). This document is a work in progress and an invitation to the community to provide meaningful feedback before the first official draft of the Comprehensive Plan is finalized. The purpose of this working version is to reflect feedback received from the community to-date, introduce major concepts, and gain further direction on content and policies. The reader will note there are “placeholders” for items still to come, for which additional feedback will be sought through additional community open houses anticipated in Spring 2025. Because developing the Comprehensive Plan is a collaborative process, it is anticipated that some areas of the first official Comprehensive Plan public draft may significantly change while others may see little revision in response to community feedback to this working version.

How to Review and Provide Feedback: As indicated on the green bar at the top of the document, you can click anywhere on the document to comment. You do not need to register/sign in to provide comments. However, you will be asked to provide your name and email the first time you comment (if you return at another time, you will have to add your name and address again). You can view the Table of Contents in the drop-down menu below to navigate to individual chapters or use the search function to find specific sections or topics. Please note that there are questions throughout the document (noted by the ?'s at the left edge of the document) to provide specific feedback on key concepts. 

For more information, visit Together Jeffco | County Plans and Regulation Update.

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